Ukrainian Day in the Park 2023

On August 26, 2023, the Saskatoon Ukrainian Canadian Congress turned Kiwanis Memorial Park into the biggest Ukrainian festival in the province. It was the Ukrainian Day in the Park 2023!

On August 26, 2023, the Saskatoon Ukrainian Canadian Congress turned Kiwanis Memorial Park into the biggest Ukrainian festival in the province. Over 6,000 visitors walked through the park gates that day and over 100 stage performers from all around the province shared their talents and offered high-profile entertainment to the guests. Food vendors and numerous artisans were on site and the Children’s Corner and Cultural Displays tents offered a variety of cultural and hand-craft workshops to participants. Cultural displays also included themed exhibits highlighting the important milestones in the history of Ukraine’s independence since 1991.

Over 100 volunteers worked hard to bring this festival to fruition, with over half of the volunteers being recent newcomers from Ukraine. Saskatoon UCC extends a huge Thank You to the UDIP festival committee and the many volunteers for their dedication and hard work.

The festival would not be possible without support from the funders and sponsors. SaskCulture, SaskLotteries, The Shevchenko Foundation, The Stephen and Michelene Worobetz Foundation, and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress of Saskatchewan are among the largest granting organizations that have been supporting the festival for many years. We thank all private companies and individuals for their continued support of the festival.

See you in 2024! Stand with Ukraine!

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