Ukrainian Day in the Park
Celebrate Ukraine!
UCC Saskatoon initiated the Ukrainian Day in the Park (UDIP) festival in 2001 to celebrate Ukraine's Independence Day (August 24).
Ukrainian Day in the Park 2024 will be celebrated in Saskatoon at Kiwanis Memorial Park on August 24, 2024. Doors open at 11 am. The concert program is 12-5 pm.
The Festival
Saskatoon UCC initiated the Ukrainian Day in the Park (UDIP) festival in 2001 to celebrate Ukraine's independence from Soviet rule.
UDIP is a free, one-day, family-friendly event in August that focuses on the presentation of Ukrainian-Canadian culture. It features cultural groups and vendors from Saskatoon and the area. It has several elements, including an outdoor stage concert, children's programming, cultural displays, activities area, souvenir and artisan area, and traditional food and beverage.
Ukrainian Day in the Park has become one of the cultural highlights and main summer festivals in Saskatoon.
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