Ukraine Independence Day Rally in Saskatoon

On August 24 approximately 300 members of the Saskatoon Ukrainian community gathered to celebrate the 31st year of Ukrainian Independence.

The UCC-SB Ukraine Independence Day rally in Saskatoon on August 24, 2022.

Everyone gathered at the Ukrainian Museum of Canada at 6:30 p.m. and marched over the University Bridge to the Lesya Ukrainka statute at the University of Saskatchewan. The day was warm and sunny. Participants wore yellow and blue or their vyshyvankas, and many carried Ukrainian flags. Everyone chanted and sang songs.

At the Lesya Ukrainka statute, Rev. Makowsky said a prayer, and everyone sang the national anthem of Ukraine called “Shche ne vmerla Ukraina!” The energized crowd sang several other songs, and people felt intense pride and hope for Ukraine! Everyone was happy with the support of the motorists honking their horns as they passed our march. The march ended at the park across from the Ukrainian Museum of Canada with the singing of another iconic song of Ukraine called “Oi u luzi chervona kalyna.”

Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!

Marching across the bridge.
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