Stand With Ukraine – Vyshyvanka Day Rally in Saskatoon

On Sunday, May 15th, Saskatoon came together to show their support and Stand With Ukraine.

May 15th, 2022 Unite with Ukraine Rally in Saskatoon. Photo: Karen Pidskalny.

The rally, coinciding with the National Day of Action, was held at the Amphitheatre at River Landing and showcased Ukrainian culture through song. It was heartening to see the enthusiasm and participation of those who attended. Wearing a vyshyvanka (Ukrainian embroidered shirt) was encouraged and to commemorate World Vyshyvanka Day on May 19th, an aerial photo was taken of those present at the rally. Colored squares were held by participants to imitate the look of embroidery.

A special thank you to Kateryna Tokarska for singing the Canadian and Ukrainian national anthems, to Gavril Tarasoff, Marko Baran, George Hupka, Roxanna Smycniuk, & Nissa Baran for leading us in song, and to Scott Prokop for taking the aerial photo.

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