Goodbye, 2023… Saskatoon UCC Newsletter

As we turn the page to 2023 and greet 2024, we’d like to sum up the passing year with the first issue of the Saskatoon UCC newsletter. It features some of our main achievements of 2023. Please feel free to download and share!

This year, our organization has been busier than ever, supporting the Ukrainian community in Saskatoon and the brave Ukrainians fighting against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We are immensely grateful to all the volunteers for every minute of their help and all the supporters for all their generous donations! We’ve done quite a bit this year and hope to achieve even more in 2024! Stand with Ukraine, support the Ukrainian Canadian community, help us welcome the displaced Ukrainians, and support our organization today: Donate to Saskatoon UCC here.


Happy New Year from all of us at the Saskatoon Ukrainian Canadian Congress!

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