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Past Events by UCC Saskatoon

March 9, 2025 @2:00 pm
Bethlehem Catholic School, 110 Bowlt Cr, Saskatoon. Entry by donation.


An annual concert to celebrate the life and work of Taras Shevchenko that features this Ukrainian hero’s poems, songs, and more.

The concert is held in the second week of March to coincide with his birth on March 9th, 1814 and death on March 10th, 1861.

Taras Shevchenko was Ukraine’s national poet, bard and a famous painter. Shevchenko has had a unique place in Ukrainian cultural history and world literature. Through his writings, he laid the foundations for creating a fully functional modern Ukrainian literature. 

His poetry contributed significantly to the growth of a Ukrainian national consciousness. His influence on various facets of Ukrainian intellectual, literary, and national life is still felt to this day.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

February 22, 2025 @1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Bethlehem Catholic School Parking Lot, 110 Bowlt Cr, Saskatoon
Ukrainian Museum of Canada, 910 Spadina Cr, Saskatoonn

Join Saskatoon’s Ukrainian Community in remembrance of 3 years of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. We will start with a car rally at Bethlehem Catholic School Parking Lot, travel through Saskatoon and meet at The National Ukrainian Museum of Canada for a short program.

CAR RALLY (1 pm)

Meet at Bethlehem High School parking lot (110 Bowlt Cr) and show your pride as we travel through Saskatoon. Bring your Ukrainian flags. Please feel free to decorate your cars with blue and yellow, and to bring flags and posters.

Program in remembrance of 3 years of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine will begin at 2.30 pm at the Ukrainian Museum of Canada, National. 

*Donations will be accepted with proceeds going to Ukraine humanitarian aid.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

November 16, 2024 @1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Bethlehem Catholic School Parking Lot, 110 Bowlt Cr, Saskatoon
Ukrainian Museum of Canada, 910 Spadina Cr, Saskatoon

Join Saskatoon’s Ukrainian Community in remembrance of 1,000 days of the full-scale war in Ukraine. We will start with a car rally at Bethlehem Catholic School Parking Lot, travel through Saskatoon and meet at the Ukrainian Museum of Canada for a panakhyda.

CAR RALLY (1 pm-3 pm)

Meet at Bethlehem High School parking lot (110 Bowlt Cr) and show your pride as we travel through Saskatoon. Bring your Ukrainian flags.

Panakhyda at 3 pm.

*Donations will be accepted with proceeds going to Ukraine humanitarian aid.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

October 26, 2024 @11:00 am - 12 pm
Meeting on the parking lot of the Wholesale Club

Please join us on Saturday October 26th at 11 am for a Ukraine awareness walk down 8th Street to keep Ukraine, and the need for continued support, visible in our community. We hope to see you there! 🇺🇦

August 24, 2023 @11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Kiwanis Memorial Park, 500 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3G8

Ukrainian Day in the Park 2024 is a free outdoor event that has been running  for over 18 years! Our festival features stage performances, food vendors, beer gardens, children’s activities, 50/50, and more. Whether you are coming with friends, family or by yourself you are guaranteed to have lots of fun!

Join us on August 24th at Kiwanis Memorial Park in Saskatoon! Doors open at 11 am, and the program is 12-5 pm. 

Everyone Welcome.

Bring your lawn chair and come enjoy the Ukrainian spirit at Saskatoon Outdoor Ukrainian Festival!

March 10, 2024 @2:00 pm
Bethlehem Catholic School, 110 Bowlt Cr, Saskatoon. Entry by donation.


An annual concert to celebrate the life and work of Taras Shevchenko that features this Ukrainian hero’s poems, songs, and more.

The concert is held in the second week of March to coincide with his birth on March 9th, 1814 and death on March 10th, 1861.

Taras Shevchenko was Ukraine’s national poet, bard and a famous painter. Shevchenko has had a unique place in Ukrainian cultural history and world literature. Through his writings, he laid the foundations for creating a fully functional modern Ukrainian literature. 

His poetry contributed significantly to the growth of a Ukrainian national consciousness. His influence on various facets of Ukrainian intellectual, literary, and national life is still felt to this day.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

February 24, 2024 @1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Bethlehem Catholic School Parking Lot, 110 Bowlt Cr, Saskatoon
Royal Canadian Legion Nutana Branch, 3021 Louise St, Saskatoon

Join Saskatoon’s Ukrainian Community in remembrance of 2 years of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. We will start with a car rally at Bethlehem Catholic School Parking Lot, travel through Saskatoon and meet at Royal Canadian Legion Nutana Branch for a presentation by a Ukrainian soldier.

CAR RALLY (1 pm)

Meet at Bethlehem High School parking lot (110 Bowlt Cr) and show your pride as we travel through Saskatoon. Bring your Ukrainian flags.

PRESENTATION BY A UKRAINIAN SOLDIER (Doors open 2 pm, presentation 3 pm) who defended Bakhmut. Royal Canadian Legion Nutana Branch (3021 Louise St). There is a cash bar for those that are interested.

We will have a display of photos from the Year of Resilience exhibition.

*Donations will be accepted with proceeds going to Ukraine humanitarian aid.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

November 12, 2023 @2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
St. George’s Senior Citizens Centre, 1235 20th Street West, Saskatoon

Presentation of icons commemorating the Ukrainian Canadian men and women who served and sacrificed during the Second World War – “True Heroes of Their Day.”

Heroes of their day Pokrova Icon Покрова – The Protection of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos. Written by Oleksandr Klymenko on ammunition boxes sourced from Ukraine in its defense against Russia.

This commissioned icon will be installed in the Cathedrals of both the Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches across Canada.

The program, hosted by UCC Saskatoon, features guest speaker Borys Sydoruk, president of UCCLF, to give the history of this project and to present the Icons. A  Panakhyda/Memorial service will commemorate Ukrainian Canadian veterans of World War II. 

A short documentary on the contributions of Ukrainian Canadians serving Canada in World War II will be shown.

For more information, please contact Adrian Boyko at 306-361-1601 (text/phone). Project information:

August 26, 2023 @11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Kiwanis Memorial Park, 500 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3G8

Ukrainian Day in the Park 2023 is a free outdoor event that has been running  for over 18 years! Our festival features stage performances, food vendors, beer gardens, children’s activities, 50/50, and more. Whether you are coming with friends, family or by yourself you are guaranteed to have lots of fun!

Join us on August 26th at Kiwanis Memorial Park in Saskatoon! Doors open at 11 am, and the program is 12-5 pm. 

Everyone Welcome.

Bring your lawn chair and come enjoy the Ukrainian spirit at Saskatoon Outdoor Ukrainian Festival!

August 24, 2023 @5 pm - 8 pm
Meewasin Park, Saskatoon


What: Picnic in the park 

Where: Meewasin Park (on Spadina) 

When: August ,24, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Watch for futher details.

Святкуємо День Незалежності України 24 серпня! 

Запрошуємо на пікнік і заходи у Парку Мівосін, Саскатун, з 17.00 до 20.00. 

 Конкурс “Найкраще представлення прапора України”

Ви – креативна та творча особистість? Ви поважаєте українську символіку та підтримуєте українські традиції? Залучіть свою фантазію та зобразіть прапор України у будь який спосіб: намалюйте, вишийте, вив’яжіть або сплетіть. 

Представити свої витвори мистецтва зможете 24 серпня, під час святкування Дня Незалежності України в парку Мівосін. 

Учасники, чиї роботи будуть визнані найкращими, отримають заохочувальні подарунки!

Ланцюг Єдності

24 серпня долучайся разом з нами до всесвітньої акції “Ланцюг Єдності до Дня Незалежності України”.

Місце зустрічі – парк Мівосін, 19:00.

Ставай у живий ланцюг, подякуй країні, в якій перебуваєш, за допомогу! Єдність – наша головна зброя!

July 24-28, 2023 @9:00 am - 4:00 pm
1240 Temperance St, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0P1

UCC Saskatoon is hosting a children’s day camp July 24-28. Children will learn Ukrainian language, crafts and ore! Our instructor is an education major who has a lot of experience teaching kids all ages Ukrainian dance!

See the poster for more information.

Thanks to St. Petro Mohyla Institute and the Worobetz Foundation for sponsoring the camp!

May 17, 2022 @6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The Ukrainian Museum of Canada, 910 Spadina Cres E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5, Canada


Gather across the street from the Ukrainian Museum of Canada in the park.

We will take a huge aerial group photo.

We will walk up the University bridge to the Lesya Ukrainka statue at the university campus. We will sing, chant, dance and show our Ukrainian resilience.

Wear your Vyshyvanka or blue and yellow! No seating so bring a chair or blanket if needed

Invite all your friends and acquaintances so that the number of participants at these demonstrations continues to grow.

Photograph by Alexandr Kornyakov, March 2022. People protest against Russian occupation in Kherson.
On view May 4 to May 7, 2023
THE STUDIO AT MIDTOWN, 201 1 Ave S, Saskatoon, daily, 10 am - 6 pm

Our “The Year of Resilience – A Photojournalist Exhibition to Mark One Year Anniversary of War in Ukraine” is on display again. We invite everyone to see it daily at The Studio at Midtown Shop Midtown Saskatoon, May 3-May 7, 10 am-6pm. 

For the past year, Saskatoon UCC has been raising awareness of the war and fundraising for humanitarian efforts. Working with the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada and the Ukrainian English-language online newspaper, The Kyiv Independent Saskatoon UCC has organized an exhibition of some of the most stirring photojournalist images from the past 365 days.

Many thanks to The Studio at Midtown for hosting!


2Photograph by Alexandr Kornyakov, March 2022. People protest against Russian occupation in Kherson.
On view February 28 to March 18, 2023
The National Ukrainian Museum of Canada, 910 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5

The Ukrainian Museum of Canada is pleased to partner with Saskatoon Ukrainian Canadian Congress, on a weeklong tribute to Ukraine, “The Year of Resilience”.

An exhibition of photojournalism from the war in Ukraine, “The Year of Resilience” marks the one-year anniversary of Russia’s wholescale invasion of Ukraine. It honours the courage and strength of the people of Ukraine, who have risen every day to defend their freedom and right to live in an independent, democratic country. In their efforts, they not only fight for Ukraine’s democracy but for democracy world-wide.

For the past year, Saskatoon UCC has been raising awareness of the war and fundraising for humanitarian efforts. Working with the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada and the Ukrainian English-language online newspaper, the Kyiv Independent, Saskatoon UCC has organized an exhibition of some of the most stirring photojournalist images from the past 365 days. These images are on display at the Ukrainian Museum of Canada from Tuesday, February 28 to Saturday, March 18, 2023.

Stand with Ukraine! 

March 12, 2023 @2:00 pm
919 20th Street West, Saskatoon (Avenue J Hall by the Ukrainian Orthodox Holy Trinity Cathedral). Entry by donation.


An annual concert to celebrate the life and work of Taras Shevchenko that features this Ukrainian hero’s poems, songs, and more.

The concert is held in the second week of March to coincide with his birth on March 9th, 1814 and death on March 10th, 1861.

Taras Shevchenko was Ukraine’s national poet, bard and a famous painter. Shevchenko has had a unique place in Ukrainian cultural history and world literature. Through his writings, he laid the foundations for creating a fully functional modern Ukrainian literature. 

His poetry contributed significantly to the growth of a Ukrainian national consciousness. His influence on various facets of Ukrainian intellectual, literary, and national life is still felt to this day.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

March 4, 2023 @7:30 pm
The Broadway Theatre, 715 Broadway Ave, Saskatoon, SK S7N 1B3


A musical tribute to Ukraine with a concert inspired by its music, culture and history. A portion of the proceeds from the concert will be used to assist with humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

A portion of the proceeds from the concert will be used to assist with humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

For more information, please go to:

Ticket Prices: Adults $25; Students/Seniors $15; Children under 8 free. All sales final.

Seating: General (Rush) Seating Only. 

Doors open at 6:45 p.m.

Stand with Ukraine!

February 24, 2023 @6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Saskatoon City Hall, 222 3rd Ave N, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5


On Friday, February 24th, Saskatoon UCC is holding a candle-lit vigil in solidarity with Ukraine as it marks 365 days of resistance to the full-scale invasion. We invite you to show your support for Ukraine. 

Join us at Saskatoon City Hall at 6 p.m.

 Please bring candles, posters & flags.

Stand with Ukraine!

February 5, 2023 @1-2:30 pm
245 Valley Road, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, Saskatchewan

We have collaborated with a local gin distillery, Black Fox, to do a fundraiser for the continued war effort in Ukraine. Please join the staff at Black Fox Farm & Distillery , where they will introduce you to their award-winning Gin.

Enjoy an interactive sampling of our award-winning gins and internationally acclaimed SE Eleven Canadian whisky, learn how they were crafted using the Black Fox method, and try the gins in complimentary cocktails. Experience includes a welcome cocktail and sample-sized cocktails for you to savor.

Please, register here:

January 14, 2023 @8:00 pm
3021 Louise St, Saskatoon, SK

Here’s a *FUN* Ukrainian New Years Eve party at the Nutana Legion! All proceeds from the 50/50 draw will go to our organization to help displaced Ukrainian newcomers settle in Saskatoon!

November 25, 2022 @7:00 pm
1437 College Dr, Saskatoon, SK

November 21 – 28th is Holodomor Awareness Week. 

Free viewing of ‘Mr. Jones’, a movie about a journalist’s mission to break the news about the Holodomor (man-made famine) in Ukraine. Sponsored by UCC Saskatoon and the Prairie Centre for the Study of Ukrainian Heritage.

We remember!

November 16 & 19, 2022 @6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
4-115 3rd Ave S (Drinkle 3 Mall), Saskatoon, SK

Saskatoon UCC is inviting you to a paint night fundraiser! Please come and enjoy a night of painting in the beautiful traditional Ukrainian style, Petrykivka.

Beginners are welcome as we make it easy peasy to complete this! A professional artist,  Audra Balion Art & Design,  will lead you step-by-step to finish your project. Canvas, paints, and brushes will be provided.

Cost per person: a $40 per person donation to support the humanitarian efforts of the Saskatoon Ukrainian Canadian Congress.

Thank you for your support!

November 12, 2022 @7:30 pm
TCU Place, 35 22 St E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C8

Saskatoon Ukrainian Canadian Congress is proud to present a benefit concert, United for Ukraine, on Saturday November 12th at 7:30pm at TCU Place in Saskatoon, SK. This concert will feature collaboration between four of Saskatchewan’s semi-professional Ukrainian performing ensembles: Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble, Yevshan Ukrainian Folk Ballet Ensemble, Zabutnyy Dance Company, and Lastiwka Ukrainian Orthodox Choir and Orchestra.  We thank the artistic directors of these groups for their initiative for putting on this concert to support Ukraine.

All proceeds from this benefit concert will be donated to Ukrainian Patriot, Stream of Hopes, and the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine.

 We hope that you can attend to enjoy what promises to be a wonderful evening of Ukrainian song and dance, and to be a part of this great initiative to support Ukraine.

Slava Ukraini!

September 24, 2022 @7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
919 20th Street West, Saskatoon (Avenue J Hall by the Ukrainian Orthodox Holy Trinity Cathedral)

Saskatoon Ukrainian Canadian Congress is organizing an event titled Nasha Hromada. It is a free event that aims to welcome Ukrainian newcomers to our Saskatoon Ukrainian community. This is a great opportunity for networking and developing friendships. Entertainment and food will be provided. The event also aims to introduce newcomers to the Saskatoon UCC member organizations. We will be creating a feature ‘Wall of Thanks’ which will highlight some of the work done in our community in response to the war in Ukraine. 

RSVP by September 18th by the link below or QR code 

Slava Ukraini!

September 11, 2022 @12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Amphitheater at River Landing, 414 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon
(You can park at River Landing and walk along the river toward the Traffic (Victoria Ave) bridge; or park down the 2 Ave S and 3 Ave S.)


September 11th will be 200 days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It will be 200 days of everyday being like 9/11. It will be 200 days of destruction, torture, and suffering. It will be the 200th day of Russia’s genocide of Ukraine.

Please wear black or white and bring Ukrainian flags.

Noon – 1:30 pm: we will make posters

1:45 pm Timeline of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

2:00 pm March

2:45 Remembering Ukraine’s dead

August 27, 2022 @12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Rotary Park.
Saskatchewan Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK

Ukrainian Day in the Park 2022 is a free outdoor event that has been running  for over 18 years! Our festival features stage performances, food vendors, beer gardens, children’s activities, and more. Whether you are coming with friends, family or by yourself you are guaranteed to have lots of fun!

Join us on August 27th at Saskatoon’s Rotary Park starting at 12 pm!

Everyone Welcome.

Bring your lawn chair and come enjoy the Ukrainian spirit at Saskatoon’s Outdoor Ukrainian Festival!

June 19, 2022 @3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Vimy Memorial, Kiwanis Park next to the Bessboroug hotel.
Kiwanis Memorial Park, 500 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3G8

Please, join us again to show our strong, whole-heartedly support for Ukrainians and Ukraine in their hard fight for freedom and the future of Ukrainian nation!  

Show Saskatoon and the world your support for Ukraine at our Stand with Ukraine rally at the Vimy Memorial.

Wear your Vyshyvanka or blue and yellow! No seating so bring a chair or blanket if needed

Invite all your friends and acquaintances so that the number of participants at these demonstrations continues to grow.

July 18-22, 2022 @9:00 am - 4:00 pm
1240 Temperance St, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0P1

UCC Saskatoon is hosting a children’s day camp July 18-22. Children will learn Ukrainian language, crafts and more! Our instructor is an education major who has a lot of experience teaching kids all ages Ukrainian dance!

See the poster for more information.

Thanks to St. Petro Mohyla Institute for sponsoring the camp!

May 15, 2022 @2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Amphitheater at River Landing, 414 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon
(You can park at River Landing and walk along the river toward the Traffic (Victoria Ave) bridge; or park down the 2 Ave S and 3 Ave S.)


Please, join us again to show our strong, whole-heartedly support for Ukrainians and Ukraine in their hard fight for freedom and the future of Ukrainian nation!  

Our voice must be heard, loud and clear. Every event we participate in brings the victory day for Ukraine closer.

Vyshyvankas are encouraged to wear.

Invite all your friends and acquaintances so that the number of participants at these demonstrations continues to grow.

May 4, 2022 @11:30 am - 1:30 pm
UPPER SALON - TCU PLACE, 35 22 St E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C8

Unite For Ukraine Luncheon

The tragedy unfolding in Ukraine has touched hearts around the world and the people of Saskatoon have a unique connection. In 1991, Saskatoon and Chernivtsi became “sister cities” because our two communities share much in common, including cultural ties. The two cities are about the same population size. They are both bustling hubs for education, arts, culture and commerce.

A month ago, Chernivtsi had a population of 260,000. Since then, the city has swelled by an estimated 150,000 people in urgent need of food, shelter and medical care. Tragically, the number of displaced individuals coming to Chernivtsi continues to climb as residents and volunteers work 24/7 to provide respite and relief.

The Mayor of Chernivtsi has sent letters requesting equipment and supplies to help with the effort. First responders in Chernivtsi have also requested assistance from Saskatoon’s Firefighters (IAFF Local 80) who are currently gathering emergency and medical supplies, including diesel generators, firefighting gear, radios, large capacity tents, sleeping bags and lifesaving equipment.

Together, we can purchase, donate and ship what Chernivtsi needs. We can make a difference by providing vital equipment and supplies to those caring for the hurt, hungry and homeless on the front lines.

April 9, 2022 @12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Bishop Filevich School, 125 105 St W, Saskatoon, SK S7N 1N3

Come learn how to write Ukrainian Easter Eggs (Pysanky)

$30 per person.

Ages 12+, anyone under 12 will need parental supervision.

There is a maximum number of participants that can attend. YOU MUST PLEASE REGISTER by emailing [email protected]

Once registered you can pay by etransfer or cash.

All supplies will be included, except you will need to BRING YOUR OWN EGGS ( room temperature)

No experience necessary, we will show you what to do. Please bring indoor shoes.

Special thanks to Bishop Filevich School for donating space and supplies.

April 10, 2022 @2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Saskatoon City Hall, 222 3rd Ave N Saskatoon

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has been raging for over one month. The world stands with Ukraine and its brave defenders.

We must now strengthen our efforts to support Ukraine and its people in bringing an end to this unprovoked, brutal war. Our voice must be heard, loud and clear.

Every one of us can make a difference NOW!

Invite all your friends and acquaintances so that the number of participants at these demonstrations continues to grow.

Volunteer, Donate or become a member

Let's Make An Impact Together

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