$6,300 for Ukraine Raised at the Saskatchewan Blue Cross Gardenscape

We raised over $6,300 at the Saskatchewan Blue Cross Gardenscape held in the Prairieland Park in Saskatoon on March,22-24th. All these proceeds will go to our efforts to support refugees and Ukraine!

Support Ukraine booth at the Saskatchewan Blue Cross Gardenscape

From Friday through Sunday visitors of the Saskatchewan Blue Cross Gardenscape had a chance to purchase sunflower and wheat seeds, buttons, garden stakes, beeswax wraps, and more! ALL proceeds from this fundraiser have already been sent to humanitarian aid and territorial defense in Ukraine!

We are grateful to the Prairieland Park in Saskatoon for providing the booth space for free, to our AMAZING volunteers who helped prepare items for sale, who served customers, and to all who visited and purchase from us!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!

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