July 2022

Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatoon Branch hosted Ukrainian Cultural Day Camp 2022

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatoon Branch (UCC – SB) hosted a Ukrainian cultural camp for children aged 5-12 in Saskatoon, SK, from July 18 to July 22, 2022. This was the first time since a similar day camp was held in more than 20 years in Saskatoon. Two instructors, Odessa Bahri from Edmonton and […]

Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatoon Branch hosted Ukrainian Cultural Day Camp 2022 Read More »

Canada Day salute to Ukrainian families and Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatoon

The UCC-SB participated in celebrations of Canada Day in Saskatoon. The day was spent celebrating “Respectful Honouring of Our Nation,” which included showcasing all the different cultures within Saskatoon. Ukrainian culture was represented by several performances, including truly energetic and, sometimes, gravity-defying dances by Pavlychenko Folklorique Ensemble, graceful and beautiful dances by Leleka Dancers, and

Canada Day salute to Ukrainian families and Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Saskatoon Read More »

UCC-SB contributed $5,000 towards the purchase of tactical trauma kits for Ukraine

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress-Saskatoon Branch donated $5,000 for the Sask-Ukraine Trauma Kits 500 Project (TK-500) to help people injured by war in Ukraine. ” Hundreds of trauma kits are being delivered to Ukrainian civilian and military medics.” One of the organizers of this aid initiative, Dave Dutchak, notes that the kit is a practical way

UCC-SB contributed $5,000 towards the purchase of tactical trauma kits for Ukraine Read More »

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