200 Days of russia’s War on Ukraine: Timeline of Major Events

The Ukrainian-Canadian Congress – Saskatoon Branch has partnered with the International Association for Political Science Students in Ukraine to prepare the timeline of major events of the ongoing russia’s war on Ukraine.

The timeline has been prepared by Kateryna Shtepa, Tetiana Konovalchuk, Denis Ratushniy, Victor Kovalchuk, Oleksandr Monastyrskyi, Mariia Tarhonina, and Artem Oliinyk, the president of the International Association for Political Science Students in Ukraine. Thanks to all the authors for the job well done!

February 24, 2022

At 4:35 am, the russian federation began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

At 4:35 a.m. on February 24, Russia’s full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine began. From the first seconds of the invasion, Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, and many other cities were bombarded by Russian missiles. The offensive took place from the side of ORDLO, Belarus, which let enemy troops pass through its territory, as well as Crimea, which has been annexed since 2014 by the same Russian troops. It is worth mentioning that many partner countries knew about the beginning of the invasion and warned Kyiv, but critical decisions were not made in time. After the start of the invasion, the West agreed that Ukraine would hold out for 1 to 3 days. However, Ukraine has been fighting the occupier for 200 days. It is important to note that not only military facilities were targeted, but also a lot of civilian infrastructures. Hundreds of people were injured, and many died – we won’t get accurate data for a very long time. The open war in Europe became a turning point of the 21st century, forced to raise many questions of a civilizational, political, and economic character. It is also true that this invasion exposed the crisis of the Western world, which is already acutely feeling the consequences of the biggest war since World War II.

February 24, 2022

Introduction of Martial Law in Ukraine

In connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, martial law was introduced throughout the territory of Ukraine starting at 5:30 a.m. on February 24, 2022, for 30 days. A curfew was introduced, actions and mass gatherings were prohibited, the freedom of movement of citizens and vehicles was restricted, and searches of personal belongings and private property were allowed. During the entire period of the full-scale invasion, martial law in Ukraine was extended four times. Also, the law on mobilization preparation and mobilization to transfer the national economy, the activities of state authorities, and local self-government bodies to functioning under the conditions of a special regime enters into force.

February 24, 2022

Introduction of “state broadcasting” (formally from the 16th, but fully operational from February 25)

The President of Ukraine signed two decrees – 151 and 152- to ensure unified broadcasting. First, it meant the work of private operators of the digital television network as part of the state broadcasting for uninterrupted broadcasting during martial law and information security. Secondly, it is the introduction of a unified information policy. The method of implementation was a telethon, which united the leading Ukrainian TV channels for continuous transmission of information to the population. All TV channels with information and information-analytical programs were united in the format of a telethon. Implementing a unified information policy is of strategic importance and ensures the information security of the population.

February 24, 2022

Ambassadors remain in Kyiv, despite the risk of fighting in the capital

Before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the ambassadors of the world powers began to leave the territory of Ukraine. However, some of them fundamentally refused to leave Kyiv. They continued to work in embassies. Bartosz Cichocki, the Polish ambassador to Ukraine, remained in the capital despite active fighting on its territory. On his Twitter, he posted a photo from the balcony of the embassy and declared that he would remain at his place of work despite the danger so as not to demoralize and support the Ukrainian people. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland expressed admiration for the courage of the ambassador and stated that they did not force him to stay. Turkish Ambassador Yagmur Ahmet Guldere also remained in Kyiv until March 11, when the embassy was evacuated to the city of Chernivtsi. The courage and dedication to work demonstrated by the ambassadors contributed to the faster return of their colleagues from other states after the liberation of the occupied settlements of the Kyiv region.

February 24, 2022

Seizure of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant

On the first day of the full-scale invasion, the occupiers captured the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, entered the “Red Forest,” and raised clouds of radioactive dust. The occupiers have seized the site, which controls the safe storage of spent nuclear fuel, and oversees the reactor, which exploded in 1986 due to the largest disaster in the history of nuclear energy. The Russians destroyed the archive of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. Subsequently, the IAEA completely lost contact with the station. As of March 25, an excess of radiation pollution by more than seven times was detected. The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine registered some criminal proceedings under the article “ecocide” due to Russia’s actions at the Chornobyl NPP. On April 2, the armed forces of Ukraine raised the Ukrainian flag at the station.

February 25, 2022

A vote was held in the UN Security Council on the draft resolution on responding to the act of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

On February 25, as a reaction to Russia’s aggression, the UN Security Council convened a meeting at the initiative of the USA, Albania, and several other participating countries. 11 countries supported the project, which provided for holding Russia accountable for its actions in Ukraine, as well as unhindered provision of humanitarian aid to those in need. During the voting, 11 member countries of the UN Security Council supported the resolution, while China and the UAE abstained. Instead, Russia, using the right of a permanent member, applied the right of veto. Taking into account personal preferences, Russia is doing everything possible to avoid responsibility for its atrocities in the war with Ukraine. The main task for the West, we see, is to find mechanisms to bring the aggressor to justice because the policy of appeasement and restraint of Russia has proven to be completely ineffective. (Source: Russia used the right of a permanent member of the Security Council – promised a UN resolution on aggression against Ukraine (radiosvoboda.org))

February 27, 2022

russian landing in Kharkiv

Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine. On February 27, in cooperation with the Russian DRG, the Russian landing force attempted to land in Kharkiv to seize power in the city. Most participants were eliminated or captured almost immediately, so the operation failed. This did not allow the occupiers to capture the city based on blitzkrieg tactics. The defense of the city was strengthened, and it remains Ukrainian to this day.

February 27, 2022

russians destroyed the world’s largest transport plane, “Mriya,” which was in Gostomel

AN 225 “Mriya” is the largest cargo plane in the world. He holds many records for carrying capacity and total weight. It was produced in Ukraine by the state-owned enterprise Antonov. According to the information of the head of the city of Buch, Anatoly Fedoruk, the plane was destroyed during the 5th air raid on the Gostomel airport. Unfortunately, it is no longer subject to restoration. In addition, the territory of the Gostomel airport was heavily damaged as a result of active hostilities on its territory. It was one of the key air hubs of Ukraine, which hosted dozens of planes. In the plans of the occupiers, the airfield was supposed to become a center for landing troops from Russia and Belarus, who would go straight to the capital. According to analysts, infrastructure restoration will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

February 27, 2022

All airspace over EU countries is blocked for Russian aircraft

On February 27, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the EU is closing its airspace to Russian planes, even if they transit through the territory of the European Union. Such a decision adds severe costs to Russian airlines, which are forced to spend more resources on logistical maneuvers to bypass EU airspace.

February 28, 2022

The first attempt at negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation unsuccessfully.

The first negotiations between the delegations of Ukraine and Russia took place in the area of the Pripyat River, on the Polish-Belarusian border. Unfortunately, they ended unsuccessfully. Representatives of Ukraine said that the Russian side is not ready for real negotiations and continues to make ultimatum demands. Ukraine’s position is clear – the withdrawal of all occupying troops from the territory of Ukraine, including Crimea and ORDLO (individual districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where fighting has been going on since 2014). So far, none of the negotiations has led to real progress because Russia categorically rejects any compromises and continues to insist on the capitulation of Ukraine.

February 28, 2022

The USA prohibits transactions with the Russian central bank; its assets are frozen.

US representatives explain that the sanctions apply to transactions and all gold-related operations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the National Wealth Fund, and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Also, many high-ranking officials involved in operations aimed at circumventing American sanctions, including using gold or other precious metals, have been sanctioned. The White House said that, in cooperation with the G7 countries, they would do everything to prevent Russia from deploying its international reserves to support its economy under sanctions.

February 28, 2022

Ukraine applies to join the European Union.

On February 28, Ukraine applied for joining the EU under a special simplified procedure – it was proposed by the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Eduard Hereg, as a reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. However, there are no further clarifications; there were no procedural processes. Many countries supported Ukraine’s accession to the large EU family. Among them: are Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and 7 other participating countries. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, made a separate statement; in particular, she said that Ukraine should be a member of the European family. The issue of European integration is key for Ukraine because enshrining the course towards the EU and NATO in the Constitution exacerbated the issue of geopolitics in this area of Eastern Europe, where Russia has serious ambitions of its own.

March 1, 2022

Russia invades Kherson

Battles for the city began on the first day of the full-scale invasion. The offensive took place from the south, from the side of the Crimean peninsula. Despite desperate resistance from the Ukrainian army, the occupiers were able to break into the city on March 1 with the help of armored personnel carriers. Already on March 2, the city was completely occupied by Russian troops. After the capture of the city by the occupiers, it became known about the preparation of the so-called referendum for the formation of the Kherson People’s Republic. It is important to understand that the city itself is a serious maritime and economic center not only of Ukraine but also of the whole of Europe, which is why the occupiers are trying so hard to keep control over it. Currently, the territory of the city and its suburbs is under constant shelling, very often from the side of the Russians themselves, to blame Ukraine for this, thereby turning the local population against Kyiv.

March 1, 2022

russian missile shoots the Television Tower in Kyiv near which “Babyn Yar” is located

On March 1, the Russian army struck the Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial complex in Kyiv. It was there, 81 years ago, that German troops shot Jews, Roma, Ukrainians, prisoners of war, mental patients, and others en masse. Today, history repeated itself, and Russia is killing the victims of the Second World War for the second time.

March 2, 2022

First Anti-Russian Protests in the occupied territories in the Zaporizhia region and Kherson

At the beginning of March, thousands of people began to go to peaceful pro-Ukrainian rallies in the temporarily occupied cities of Ukraine. The Russian authorities had the goal of annexing Kherson to Crimea or creating a “KHNR,” as in 2014, they created the pseudo-republics “DNR” and “LNR.” Residents of Kherson went to the city center to show the occupiers that Kherson was in Ukraine. A wave of protests swept across the region: in Kakhovka, Nova Kakhovka, Henichesk, Kalanchak, and other cities. In response, Russian soldiers opened fire on the civilian population. But when the fire did not stop the Ukrainians, the occupiers began to kidnap people who took part in peaceful actions and keep them in torture chambers. In the center of Kherson, Ukrainians tried to stop the Russians with Molotov cocktails, for which they were shot. After the victory, a monument to courage will be erected in the city. This was exactly the scenario in the Zaporizhzhia region; the protests lasted for weeks until the Russians started abusing the people.

March 4, 2022

Russia captured Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (6 reactors)

Immediately after the occupation, Ukrainian experts recorded violations of nuclear and radiation safety due to constant shelling by the occupiers. Their actions led to the first ever disconnection of the NPP from the power grid. Russians have forgotten the biggest nuclear disaster of 1986 and how everyone fought together with radioactive substances in the environment after the Chornobyl nuclear power plant explosion. Volodymyr Zelensky called it “nuclear terror.”

March 4, 2022

Ukrainian Forces defended the capital Kyiv

The main goal of the Russian invaders was the capital of Ukraine. In the first hours of the full-scale invasion, a column of enemy equipment that had left Belarus was heading towards Kyiv. Russia attacked Kyiv from all sides. The village of Moschun, 6 km from Kyiv, stopped the invaders at great cost. 70% of civil infrastructure is damaged. In the city of Gostomel, the occupiers seized the airfield and landed a landing force to ferry the main forces of their army to the capital. The Ukrainian military destroyed the attackers and damaged the airstrip, significantly changing Russia’s plans. The invaders began to move south to capture Bucha and Irpin to encircle Kyiv. On February 27, the invaders entered Bucha, and the battle for Irpin began. Ukrainian troops also destroyed the bridge connecting these two cities to prevent more Russian ground troops from entering Irpin. On March 3, the Ukrainian flag was raised in the cities, but street fighting continued. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, awarded Irpin, Buch, and Gostomel the title of “hero city” for the brave struggle and protection of the strategic center of our state.

March 4, 2022

“Green” Corridors from the Occupied Cities

The first successful humanitarian corridors took place on April 1; the Ukrainian authorities were able to evacuate more than 6,000 people. Green corridors were organized from the city of Berdyansk and Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia region. It was also possible to safely evacuate people from Severodonetsk, Rubizhny, Lysychansk, and Popasna regions of the Luhansk region. On March 21, 4 humanitarian corridors were activated in the Kyiv region, some people were evacuated from Buch and, Gostomel, and Velika Dymerka to safe places. Until this moment, it was not possible to safely evacuate people; Russian troops violated international humanitarian law and continued to block and shell humanitarian routes.

March 7, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the list of “unfriendly” countries

European leaders reacted negatively and declared that they would not allow themselves to be blackmailed. Such demands from the Russian leadership were the first step toward speeding up the procedure of disconnection from Russian gas. Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany, France, Italy, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Greece agreed to the Russian conditions. But today, European countries are in an energy crisis and aim to switch to “green” energy, although such a transition may take decades. And for Moscow, this is a serious aggravation of relations with Western countries.

March 9, 2022

Russian Air Forces were bombarding the maternity hospital in Mariupol

On March 9, at approximately 4:30 p.m., Russian soldiers dropped several powerful bombs from airplanes on a maternity hospital and children’s hospital in Mariupol, which housed pregnant women, children, and medical staff. As a result of the atrocity, three people died, including one child, and 17 were injured. Representatives of Ukraine submitted an official lawsuit to the International Court of the United Nations regarding Russia’s crimes against the civilian population, in particular, the destruction of hospitals.

March 9, 2022

Russian Air Forces were bombarding the maternity hospital in Mariupol

On March 9, at approximately 4:30 p.m., Russian soldiers dropped several powerful bombs from airplanes on a maternity hospital and children’s hospital in Mariupol, which housed pregnant women, children, and medical staff. As a result of the atrocity, three people died, including one child, and 17 were injured. Representatives of Ukraine submitted an official lawsuit to the International Court of the United Nations regarding Russia’s crimes against the civilian population, in particular, the destruction of hospitals.

March 16, 2022

Murder of children in the Drama Theater of Mariupol

On March 16, during the blockade of the city of Mariupol, there were from 500 to 1,200 people in the bomb shelter of the Drama Theater; among them were children, women, and the elderly. The Russians dropped powerful aerial bombs on the building. About 300 civilians died as a result of the bombing. Satellite images show that “Children” was written in front and behind the drama theater, but this did not stop the enemy aircraft.

April 2, 2022

The First Information about the Massacre in Bucha during the Russian Occupation

Social networks were shaken by the video of the bodies of murdered civilians who were killed by the Russian military and left on the streets of the city. Torture chambers were found in the basements, with the bodies of murdered men, women, and children. The mayor of Bucha reported the discovery of a mass grave where about 300 people were buried and dozens of corpses of civilians lying on the street with their hands tied. The occupiers killed, raped, and tortured civilians for fun. Many people were killed while they were going about their daily business – going to the store or talking on the phone on the street. The occupiers showed particular cruelty during the retreat when they executed almost all men aged 18 to 60. All the executed had their hands tied, and the common cause of death was a shot to the back of the head. After the liberation of the territory of the region, there were mass appeals for psychological help for raped girls and women. Charred bodies of women who were tried to be burned after being raped and murdered were also found. All the events described above happened not only in Bucha but also in the territory of other occupied settlements in the Kyiv region. The Russian military used terror to intimidate the population under occupation.

April 7, 2022

The UN General Assembly expelled Russia from the Human Rights Council due to atrocities in Ukraine

The General Assembly of the United Nations terminated the participation of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council due to the atrocities of military personnel in the Kyiv region, in particular, in the city of Bucha. These actions were classified as gross violations of human rights; due to the mass, identified as carrying out the orders of the higher military leadership. The decision of the assembly became a demonstration of the non-compliance of the activities of the Russian army with the norms of international law and the laws and customs of warfare. In particular, it became the first harsh reaction of the UN to a full-scale invasion. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba thanked the member states for choosing the “right side of history.” The decision was supported by 93 of the 193 member countries of the General Assembly, 24 voted against it, and 58 abstained. Apart from the Russian Federation, this decision was not supported by other states that do not directly recognize the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

April 7, 2022

The US Senate approved the supply of weapons under the Lend-Lease Act

The US Senate approved the document “On Lend-Lease for the Protection of Democracy in Ukraine,” which greatly simplifies the provision of weapons to the state. It became the first Lend-Lease policy document since World War II. This document lifted restrictions on US President Joe Biden’s provision of military aid to Ukraine. In particular, this draft law includes the provision of assistance for the expansion of Ukrainian cyber capabilities along the American model. The approval of this draft law helped Ukraine to receive the necessary military aid on a larger scale, under a simplified procedure, and in a shorter period. This contributed to the more effective conduct of the war and the strengthening of problematic areas of the front line, as well as helped in the faster organization of a counter-offensive to liberate the occupied territories. The signing of the act by President Biden took place on a symbolic date – May 9.

April 8, 2022

The Russians launched a missile attack on the railway at the station in Kramatorsk during the evacuation of the people of the Donetsk region to safe places in Ukraine

As Pavlo Kirylenko, the head of the Donetsk regional military-civilian administration, reported, the Russian troops were hit with a “Point-U” missile. The Russians knew exactly where they were hitting because the strike occurred during the planned evacuation from the city, which was announced by mass sources of information. Due to the presence of the U-point in service in Ukraine, the Russian Federation tried to accuse the Armed Forces of crimes, but the civilized countries of the world did not believe in the absurdity of this statement. This act of terrorism became another confirmation of the act of genocide against the Ukrainian population, by which the representatives of the Ukrainian authorities called to recognize the actions of the Russian Federation. About 60 people died, and at least 120 people were injured. It is considered one of the bloodiest terrorist acts of Russia in Ukraine against the civilian population.

April 8, 2022

The Transport Blockade of Russian and Belarusian products in the European Union

On April 8, 2022, the decision of the Council of the European Union was published regarding the prohibition of almost any motor vehicle company established in Russia and Belarus from transporting goods through the territory of the European Union, including transit. Unfortunately, there were exceptions. Medical, agricultural, and food products are not covered by the ban. An exception is also made for goods moving through the territory of the European Union countries between the Kaliningrad region and the main territory of Russia. However, some chance for the existence of Russian and Belarusian goods on European roads remained. This decision, like a large number of other sanctions, aims to undermine the economy of the aggressor countries and all those who do not condemn its actions or help in crimes. This kind of pressure will also certainly gradually depress the resources Russia is putting into this war.

April 9, 2022

A surprise visit of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, to Kyiv

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson supported Ukraine and visited Kyiv during the war, despite the threat of Russian missile strikes. During the meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky, Johnson emphasized that he would continue to provide Ukrainians with military and economic support. Also, on August 17 and August 23, Johnson visited Ukraine and received the Order of Freedom for personal merits in strengthening Ukrainian-British relations.

April 13, 2022

The US called the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine genocide

During a visit to an enterprise in the state of Iowa, Biden became the first world leader in using the term “genocide” when citing the events in Ukraine. “Your family budget, your ability to fill your tank – all this should not depend on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide half a world away,” said the US leader. This became a sign for other world leaders, and following Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recognized the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine as genocide. “We have seen this willingness to attack civilians using sexual violence as a weapon of war. This is unacceptable” – a quote from the Prime Minister regarding the situation. With their statements, the leaders of the two North American states indicated the direction for other civilized states of the world. On July 14, 2022, a joint statement of the European Union and 43 world states was published, which recognized the actions of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine as genocide.

April 14, 2022

The Ukrainian Forces struck the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, the missile cruiser “Moskva.”

The Ukrainian military hit the cruiser with the Neptune coastal missile complex. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation confirmed the detonation of the ammunition and the evacuation of the crew but did not give an official reason and also reported that the cruiser retained its “buoyancy.” In contrast, the Operational Command “South” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the hit of the “Neptune” cruise missiles caused a powerful explosion of ammunition, which overturned the cruiser, and it began to sink. The missile cruiser Moskva was the largest loss of the Russian fleet since the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 and was the largest ship of the Black Sea Fleet. The attempt to deny the attack on the ship by the armed forces of Ukraine was of a propaganda nature to ensure the picture of a successful war in Ukraine for the Russian population. For Ukraine, the destruction of the cruiser was a major event both ideologically and strategically.

April 19, 2022

The commander of the “Azov” regiment reports that the Azovstal factory, in the basement of which many women and children were hiding, has been almost destroyed, and Ukrainian fighters are pulling people out from under the rubble. But Ukrainian defenders rejected Russia’s surrender ultimatum.

The commander of the “Azov” regiment, Denys Prokopenko, appealed to the world community to save civilians on the territory of Azovstal. He stated that Russian troops are purposefully dropping anti-bunker bombs on the plant and conducting constant artillery fire. The beginning of the bombing of the civilian population coincided with the first attempts to storm the plant. The Russian army on duty once used terror against the civilian population to achieve military goals, while the Ukrainian military performed not only military but also rescue tasks.

April 26, 2022

Defense Ministers of more than 40 countries gathered in Ramstein to discuss the Russian-Ukraine war

On April 26, defense ministers of more than 40 countries of the world held talks at the US Air Force base “Ramstein” in Germany. The conditional coalition of states in support of Ukraine gathered specifically to synchronize and accelerate the provision of military aid and weapons to Ukraine. The session was opened by US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin. He assured us that the topic of the day is the situation around Ukraine, and it is necessary to discuss the urgent needs of Ukraine for the protection of peaceful citizens and territories. He also demonstrated a new aid package for Ukraine, which included HIMARS rocket systems, projectiles for the rocket salvo system, and artillery. At the meeting, they assured that NATO and its allies would continue to support Ukraine, and the parties agreed on the organization of a contact group, which includes coordination of urgent problems in Ukraine every month. A total of four Rammstein meetings took place, the last of which was held online. The next face-to-face meeting is scheduled for September 8.

April 28, 2022

UN Secretary-General António Guterres visited Kyiv (and at the same time, Russian troops launched a missile attack on Kyiv)

The UN Secretary-General met with President Zelenskyi in Kyiv. At the same time, Russian troops launched a missile attack on the city. The head of the president’s office, Andriy Yermak, emphasized that this is another confirmation of why the world needs a quick victory over the Russian Federation and also that Russia needs to be deprived of its right of veto in the UN Security Council. Guterres expressed his indignation at the missile strike while he was negotiating with the President of Ukraine, Zelensky. This blow can be characterized as contempt not only for the UN Secretary-General but also for the entire organization with its member countries.

May 10, 2022

Russia started trading the stolen Ukrainian grain.

The main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine believes that the country of destination for the stolen cargo is Syria. From there, the Russian Federation intends to smuggle grain to the countries of the Middle East. Also, the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense announced the mass export of grain from warehouses in the Kherson region of the Zaporizhzhia region to the borders of the Russian Federation. 1,500 tons of grain were exported to the occupied Crimea from Malaya Lepetykha, Kherson region. The ambassador of Ukraine in Turkey appealed to the Turkish authorities and Interpol on the precedent of supplying stolen grain in transit through Turkish waters. He asked them to find out those involved in the supply of Ukrainian grain. However, a month after that, Ukrainian journalists published an investigation about Russian ships that, disappearing from radars, entering Turkish ports. The ambassador of Ukraine in Lebanon announced the scheme of transporting stolen grain, which is carried out by 87 ships. However, the victory of Ukrainian diplomacy was the prevention of the unloading of the Syrian vessel in Lebanon, which was engaged in the transportation of stolen goods. The ambassador said that they are cooperating with the Turkish leadership and the Turkish embassy in Lebanon to identify the companies involved in the transportation and resale of stolen Ukrainian grain.

May 17, 2022

Surrender of the defenders of Azovstal in Mariupol by order of the higher military-political command

On the evening of May 16, the Ukrainian military, who were holding positions at Azovstal, began to be withdrawn from the metallurgical plant. The underground shelters of “Azovstal” became a refuge for the peaceful inhabitants of the city and, a little later, for the defenders. During the three-month siege, there were many wounded fighters and civilians in bomb shelters. They experienced a shortage of water and food, medicines, and equipment; they lived under heavy fire from the occupiers (rocket fire, barrel, rocket artillery, high-explosive bombs, and even suspected use of prohibited chemicals). Denys Prokopenko, who is the commander of the “Azov” regiment, said that the defenders had fulfilled all the tasks and wanted to save people’s lives. On May 17, the soldiers left the plant. Their fate is still unknown to us.

May 17, 2022

Rebellion on the russian-occupied territories

Despite the claims of the Russians that the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine are truly Russian, during their occupation, one can trace the birth of a real partisan movement there, which does not allow the occupiers to stay there peacefully. From this, we can conclude that the majority of the population of the occupied regions is pro-Ukrainian and does not want to see the foot of the occupier on their land. Thanks to the activities of the partisans, many collaborators and ordinary traitors were destroyed, who passed on information about the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and acted as adjusters of fire (even on the civilian population). Cities such as Melitopol and Kherson became centers of the partisan movement. Despite the general narratives of the Russians that these cities belonged to Russia, they became the epicenters of the destruction of traitors and defectors. It is worth noting that in cooperation with the Armed Forces, the partisans are achieving serious success and helping to exert psychological pressure on the occupier.

June 16, 2022

The Presidents of Romania and France, as well as the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Minister of Italy, came to Kyiv on an official visit.

The leaders visited Irpin and expressed their support for granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union.

June 23, 2022

Ukraine was granted the status of candidate for EU membership

The leaders of the member states of the European Union supported granting Ukraine and Moldova the status of candidates for joining the EU. This was announced by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. On the evening of June 23, the leaders of all 27 countries of the bloc made an important decision regarding the European perspective of the two countries. Charles Michel announced and immediately congratulated the event that a unanimous decision was made to grant Ukraine and Moldova the status of candidates for EU membership. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, also offered her congratulations. On the part of Ukraine, President Zelensky thanked the EU leaders for granting Ukraine candidate status; in addition, in honor of this event, the Ukrainian flag was raised in front of the European Parliament in Brussels.

June 27, 2022

Missile attack on the shopping center in Kremenchug

The rocket attack on the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchuk, which took the lives of civilians, provoked a strong reaction from world leaders, many of whom recognized it as an act of terrorism and a war crime. A photo of the murdered girl in a ruined cradle went viral on social networks. Around 3:50 p.m., after the announcement of an air alert, a rocket attack took place on the shopping center, where about a thousand civilians were at the time of the tragedy. A big fire started immediately after the explosion. In total, 20 people were killed, 59 were injured, and 36 remained missing as a result of the Russian terrorist act. World leaders also expressed outrage at this terrorist attack. The leaders of the “Big Seven” countries released a joint statement expressing their indignation at the actions of Vladimir Putin. US President Biden said that Ukraine and Ukrainians could be sure of support and assured that the occupiers would be repaid for such actions.

July 3, 2022

Retreat of Ukrainian forces from the city of Lysychansk

In a traditional evening address, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, announced the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Lysychansk, which was aimed at saving the lives of the defenders because the enemy had a firing advantage at certain points of the front. On Sunday, July 3, the Russians broke through the defenses and took Zolotarivka and Verkhnokamyanka under their control. Later, in the evening, the General Staff announced that after heavy fighting with Russian troops, Ukrainian forces withdrew from their occupied positions in Lysychansk (the last large city in the Luhansk region). Even later, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, commented on the situation in a traditional evening address. He said that one of the goals of the Russians was achieved and assured that the Ukrainian troops would return to Lysychansk and that Ukraine would not give anything to anyone. Since July 3, the city and the entire territory of the Luhansk region have been under Russian occupation.

July 7, 2022

Ukrainian Armed Forces took back Zmiiny Island in the Black Sea

The troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine landed on Zmiiny Island, which was captured by the Russians at the beginning of the war. The operations were preceded by massive shelling and destruction of enemy equipment, manpower, and enemy ships on the island and in the water area. The return to control of the island made it possible to effectively control part of the Black Sea water area, as well as to reduce the military activity of the Russian fleet. Russia would later call its retreat from the island a “gesture of goodwill.”

July 9, 2022

Explosions continue in the occupied Crimea.

On August 4, the international human rights organization Amnesty International published a report on its official website, in which it was noted that the Ukrainian army allegedly hides its soldiers and equipment in residential areas, thereby violating international humanitarian law and putting its citizens at risk. At the same time, there was no condemnation of the actions of the occupation army of Russia. It is not yet known whether AI, at its discretion, decided to write this discrediting report or whether it was coordinated by Kremlin agencies. Due to the indignation of the Ukrainian authorities and some European government officials, the organization put forward a public request for the verification of the report by international experts. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, rightly noted that any amnesty for the crimes of a terrorist state could not be justified. And it is at least not professional to shift the responsibility from the aggressor to the victim.

July 14, 2022

Russian missile attack on Vinnytsia

On July 14, the Russian army bombarded the city of Vinnytsia with cruise missiles. There were no military facilities nearby; this was another targeted war crime against the civilian population of Ukraine. At least 208 people were injured, and there were 27 dead, among them three children. The media space documented the drama of the Dmitriev family especially vividly. On that fateful day, mother Iryna and her four-year-old daughter Liza were supposed to go to a speech therapist, but unfortunately, an enemy missile completely changed the plans. Little Lisa died on the spot. The mother survived, was in a serious condition for some time, but only recently found the strength to comment on this tragedy.

July 22, 2022

The agreement regulating the transportation of grains from Ukraine between Ukraine, Turkey, and the UN

On July 22, Ukraine, Turkey, and the UN concluded a joint agreement on the export of grain and oil products by sea. Russia also participated in this agreement, which signed a mirror agreement with Erdogan, the president of Turkey, and Guterres, the UN secretary-general. In the pre-war period, the export of grain for sale was a significant source of income for Ukraine, including for Ukrainian farmers. As a result of the war, exports, due to blocked ports and mined water areas, fell five times; it is clear that this is a serious blow to the Ukrainian economy, which already has its daily tests of stability due to the invasion of Russia. Also, this agreement was important for importers in many regions that depend on the supply of food and raw materials. Further delays would lead to widespread famine. Already on July 23, the Kremlin once again demonstrated that Russia would not abide by the agreements. The day after the agreement was signed, the Russian army shelled the port of Odesa, where the grain was stored.

July 28, 2022

The agreement regulating the transportation of Russia struck Ukrainian prisoners of war to cover its military crimes (tortures) in Olenivka.

On the night of July 29, an explosion rang out on the territory of the former colony of the village of Olenivka, Donetsk region. As a result of the shelling, there were Ukrainian prisoners of war, including the defenders of Azovstal, who voluntarily surrendered. About 40 people died, and 130 were injured. It can be stated that it was a mass execution. For Ukraine, this shelling is considered another tragedy. Prisoners of war who laid down their weapons were injured. Under the guise of shelling on the front line, Russia thus decided to cover up another war crime by not taking responsibility for killing people. This is a violation of the customs of war committed by Russian butchers.

August 1, 2022

A proposal to stop issuing visas to Russians in the EU.

At the beginning of August, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Reinsalu, received a proposal to prohibit the issuance of Schengen visas to citizens of Russia. Since, according to the legislation, Estonia can make such a decision separately, only if there is a direct threat from Russia, the country called on the government officials of the European Union to consider this issue. First, it would morally support Ukraine and, secondly, strengthen Russia’s isolation from the world. The country and the people who wage wars against the civilian population do not deserve any place in the world space, even as tourists.

August 4, 2022

Amnesty International scandal

On August 4, the international human rights organization Amnesty International published a report on its official website, in which it was noted that the Ukrainian army allegedly hides its soldiers and equipment in residential areas, thereby violating international humanitarian law and putting its citizens at risk. At the same time, there was no condemnation of the actions of the occupation army of Russia. It is not yet known whether AI, at its discretion, decided to write this discrediting report or whether it was coordinated by Kremlin agencies. Due to the indignation of the Ukrainian authorities and some European government officials, the organization put forward a public request for the verification of the report by international experts. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, rightly noted that any amnesty for the crimes of a terrorist state could not be justified. And it is at least not professional to shift the responsibility from the aggressor to the victim.

August 18, 2022

Ukrainians collected money to buy (rent) a satellite

Serhiy Prytula is a TV presenter, public figure, and volunteer, founder of the charity organization “Serhiy Prytula Foundation.” On June 24, on his Instagram page, he announced the closing of the collection for 3 “Bayraktars” (however, the Ukrainians managed to exceed the plan and had enough to purchase the fourth), and a total of 600 million UAH was accumulated. Later it became known that the company producing the necessary unmanned aerial vehicles decided to transfer three units of production to Ukraine free of charge. The question arose, where did the children save the money? Already on August 18, it became known that the fund managed to acquire the ICEYE satellite, the possession of which helps the Ukrainian armed forces to receive high-quality and up-to-date images, despite the weather conditions. Such a technological purchase can show those places of the enemy, which until now were out of sight, or data about which they did not want to transfer to Ukrainian specialists. With such unprecedented action, the Ukrainians demonstrated to the world, especially to the enemy, that our society, in particular volunteers, is united and ready to sometimes give their last for the sake of victory.

August 23, 2022

The second summit of the Crimean platform

On August 23, the second summit of the Crimean Platform was held. Due to security considerations, it was held online, but Andrzej Duda, the President of Poland, during his visit to Kyiv, took part in person, thereby showing a gesture of support for Ukraine from the whole of Poland. The Summit of the Crimean Platform is such an event initiated by the Ukrainian authorities, the purpose of which is to fix the world focus on the issue of the liberation of the Crimean peninsula from the temporary occupation of Russia, as well as to gather together those who are concerned about the issue of sovereignty and the inviolability of territorial borders. All countries, and there are about 60 of them, which agreed to participate in this summit, confirm that Russia’s rule in Crimea is illegal and not generally accepted, and the world is ready to fight this mess. The result of the summit is a joint statement of the participants. It talks about support for Ukrainian sovereignty, condemnation of Russia’s actions, and plans to put even more pressure on the aggressor country to carry out de-occupation. It can also be considered an important point that if the first congress was mostly about diplomatic assistance, now, for example, Germany and Japan touched on the topic of military support for Ukraine. They began to speak openly about the liberation of Crimea; this was an important step toward defeating Russia.

September, 2022

Continues – practices of world wars: filtration camps

Filtration camps: After the Russian troops occupied the eastern and southeastern regions, mass actions of moving people to filtration camps on the territory of ORDLO (separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions) and Russia began. Thousands of people were forcibly moved to specially organized camps. Not all survived the conditions of their stay and will never be able to return home. The situation for children is especially difficult. Approximately 200,000 children were sent to the Russian Federation, where they received new parents through the practice of adoption. No adequate conditions are observed in the camps, as a result of which diseases break out. Terrible treatment conditions psychologically break people, and widespread torture and pressure.

September 11, 2022

200 days of full-scale russian invasion. Ukrainian military launched a successful counterofensive operation in Kharkiv region

A large part of the previously occupied territories in Kharkiv region of Ukraine have been liberated by the Ukrainian army.

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