200 Days of 9/11 In Ukraine. Rally in Saskatoon

On September 11, 2001, there was a terrorist attack on the USA. On September 11, 2022, the terrorist attack on Ukraine saw its 200th day. The Ukrainian-Canadian community of Saskatoon gathered for a rally and march to commemorate the date and express unwavering support for Ukraine and its people.

The UCC-SB rally in Saskatoon on September 11, 2022.

9/11 is a date marked in history. A date we know as horrific and a crime to civilians. Since February 24th, Ukraine has lived through 200 days like this. It has been 200 days of destruction, torture, and suffering of a nation that was sovereign.

There are Rules of War. Civilians are never to be targeted or attacked and not harm things essential for their survival. Methods of torture are prohibited for detainees, regardless of their past. They must be given food and water and to communicate with their loved ones. Medical workers must be allowed to do their job. Weapons must adhere to the rules of war and distinguish between a military target and someone who must never be attacked.

The rules of war exist to preserve human dignity in times of war and to make it possible for all to live together in peace.

Over these last 200 days, Russia has broken all these rules of war. It is not just War Crimes but a genocide of the people of Ukraine. Hundreds of educational, medical, cultural, and religious institutions have been destroyed. Millions have fled their homes to stay safe. Thousands of civilians and soldiers have died.

This is why we are at the rally today. The crimes committed by russia since its invasion of Ukraine have to be known and never forgotten. We must hold them accountable for what they have done to Ukraine and her people.

During the rally, the participants made posters featuring major events of the last 200 days of the war. The timeline of the events has been prepared by members of the International Association for Political Science Students in Ukraine and is featured in a separate post here:

The rally was finished with the march across the bridges and streets of downtown Saskatoon.

Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!

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